2 javascript questions


Jeff User

Sorry if this is kind of long, it is myhope that it is clear and
staright forward.

I am totaly new to javascript.
I figured out this much.
First, I wanted to clear the contents of a label on the form when the
user clicks the submit button (btnCreate).
Here is what I have

In page_Load I do this:

btnCreate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "clearGeneral()");

and then in html/asp code I place script function (in head):

function clearGeneral(){
//Clear text in label
document.getElementById("lblGeneralMessage").innerText = "";

It works fine and the page posts back as there are , of course, other
things to be taken care of on server side.
Then, I wanted to do "simple" validation of a asp.net1.1 textbox
control to check if it is empty, on the same event.
So I added another Attribute to the button and it also seems to work:

btnCreate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "Val_create()");

and with asp/html script like this:

function Val_create(){
if (document.Form1.txtNewDbName.value == "")
alert("New name field can not be empty");

Here are my 2 questions:
1) What is the difference between
(Other than one is a label and one is textbox, unless that affects the

When first using
document.getElementById("lblGeneralMessage").innerText = "";
to refer to the text of a label it works (I can refer to text), but
when I try that to compare the value of a textbox, it always evaluated
toTRUE ->

document.getElementById("txtNewDbName").innerText == "";

^that is always true, so had to use
document.Form1.txtNewDbName.value == "";
and this works OK

2) Is there a way that I can stop the page from posting back if
if (document.Form1.txtNewDbName.value == "")
is true? In addition to the alert, I do not need the page to post back
as there is no data to work with.


Kevin Spencer

document.GetElementById() refers to the id attribute of an HTML element in
the document. document.FormName.ElementName refers to the name attribute of
an element in a form having the name "FormName."


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
You can lead a fish to a bicycle,
but you can't make it stink.

Eliyahu Goldin

Q2. Yes, there are 2 ways you can try
1. btnCreate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return Val_create();");

and with asp/html script like this:

function Val_create(){
if (document.Form1.txtNewDbName.value == "")
alert("New name field can not be empty");
return false
}else return true;

2. btnCreate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "Val_create()");

and with asp/html script like this:

function Val_create(){
if (document.Form1.txtNewDbName.value == "")
alert("New name field can not be empty");


Jeff User

Thanks to all

Eliyahu, I went with option 1 because it was first and it works like a
Thanks again

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