2 fields of different lenghts



I am creating a queary of 2 tables. Common field is Account number. Table A,
the filed is 15 characters. Table B, the field length is 25, and the 10
extract characters are zeros. How do I get the query to look at just the
first 15 characters of each feild in each table?


If you plan on joining then in the query then you need another query in front
with a calculated field to join on.
Expr1: Left([Your25CharField],15)

Jeff Boyce

Create a query that looks at the first 15 characters of a field (e.g.,
Left([YourFieldName],15) from table 1.

Create a second query that looks at the first 15 characters of a field from
the second table.

Create a third query that uses the first two, joined on that 15 character
field in each.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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