Hi, the asp.net app have to communicate with MSSQL and IB DBs. Because IB is
ours desktop ERP/Delphi and MSSQL is web (aspnet).
IB is 3rd comp. .net driver we use on .net...
but the situation:
Open IB tran and MSSQL tran... After doing the operations, if the commit
fails on IB that is first executed, the MSSQL (2nd step) is not executed, no
problem... it must be executed only if pass IB... ok...
but how can I do a IB rollback that was commited if the MSSQL (2nd step)
fails on commit?
There should be a simultaneous commit/rollback on the 2 DBs ?
Have you ever seen this? Can you help me?
ours desktop ERP/Delphi and MSSQL is web (aspnet).
IB is 3rd comp. .net driver we use on .net...
but the situation:
Open IB tran and MSSQL tran... After doing the operations, if the commit
fails on IB that is first executed, the MSSQL (2nd step) is not executed, no
problem... it must be executed only if pass IB... ok...
but how can I do a IB rollback that was commited if the MSSQL (2nd step)
fails on commit?
There should be a simultaneous commit/rollback on the 2 DBs ?
Have you ever seen this? Can you help me?