2 computers one Internet connection

Aug 12, 2007
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Hi all
Got my new desktop up and running (Windows XP Media Centre) also reformatted my laptop (XP) as the desktop is connected to the internet vai an wireless network but still connects into the PC via an ethernet cable what would be the easiest way to connect both to the internet, either wired or wirless, not to sure about this technology as something I have not used before.
Any help would be appreciated.
many thanks
the way i've done it is to have the desktop connected to your router via an ethernet cable so if your wireless goes down you can still connect to the router to diagnose why, then any laptops connect wirelessly because well thats the point of a laptop isn't it ?

you can only do that if your desktop is near where the router is located if not connect them both wirelessly and if there are any problems you can just sit next to the router and plug your laptop into it

you do have a router right ?

hope this helps
ME_2001 thanks for the reply, but still not clear, no I do not have a router. As I live in Spain in a fairly remote country area I need to use a rural WI local system, I have a magig box on the roof with a cable coming down to another magic box which then connects to my ethernet connection, I believ this connection needs to go into a hub or router but I am very unsure what happens or what kit I need.