Hi Guys
I Have 2 combo box the first is clients and the second one is materials,
what I want is to select the client with the first combo box, but when I
select the second combo box for material I just want to see the material
assigned to the client I previously create, I have a query with clients and
material and the criteria is [forms].[frmOrders].[ComboClientName] and I
place this query as row source in combo box material, but is not updated when
the client change, I will really appreciate if someone can help me with this.
I Have 2 combo box the first is clients and the second one is materials,
what I want is to select the client with the first combo box, but when I
select the second combo box for material I just want to see the material
assigned to the client I previously create, I have a query with clients and
material and the criteria is [forms].[frmOrders].[ComboClientName] and I
place this query as row source in combo box material, but is not updated when
the client change, I will really appreciate if someone can help me with this.