Public Schools
How do I write statement to change A to F; B to G; C to H; and D to J? For
I have a 2-column report. First column has question with A,B,C,D option
answer. Second column has question with A,B,C,D option answer BUT needs to
have F,G,H, J as the option. How do I make this happen?
1. What is 2 +3? 2. What 4 X 5?
A. 5 A. 23 Should be F.
B. 8 B.17 Should be G.
C. 12 C. 20 Should be H.
D. 1 D. 9 Should be J.
Currently, column two on my report has A, B, C, D due to report design.
Thank you for your assistance.
I have a 2-column report. First column has question with A,B,C,D option
answer. Second column has question with A,B,C,D option answer BUT needs to
have F,G,H, J as the option. How do I make this happen?
1. What is 2 +3? 2. What 4 X 5?
A. 5 A. 23 Should be F.
B. 8 B.17 Should be G.
C. 12 C. 20 Should be H.
D. 1 D. 9 Should be J.
Currently, column two on my report has A, B, C, D due to report design.
Thank you for your assistance.