Hey Jacob, thanks for the reply. I have a 400+ page spreadsheet. On every
page cell A2 is the part # and I use the F column to keep a running total of
that part #in and out of the warehouse. So, cell F40 on each page is a safe
place for me to go to pull my current inventory of each part on each page.
What I want to create is a single though very long page that shows in the
first column each part # and the second colmn would be our current stock of
that part.
I have a total of 400+ pages. From every page I want cell A2 and F40. On
each page A2 shows my part # and F40 is a safe cell to give me my current
inventory. The F column on each of the 400+ pages is a running total of
inventory in and out of the warehouse, so line 40 is far enough down to
capture my current qty.
No need. Copy the formula to a cell in your summary sheet. Drag/Copy down so
that the formula will return the cell A2 value of Sheet2,Sheet3 and so on...