I bought a few USB 2.0 IDE enclosures on ebay for 2.5 inchdrives,
described as "new chipset" enclosures
They are very simple, and were cheap.
Curiously both have failed at the same time after about a year of not
particularly heavy periodic use. They have failed on all drives and
with similar symptoms: Both light up their green light at the front
(it never turns red to show that anything is amiss), some spin the
drive but neither turn up in Device Manager at all, not are they
recognised in systray when I plug them into an already running system
like they used to. The only slight difference is that on my Mac, one
of them showed up for a while after plugging in altohugh every few
minutes it would suddenly report that I had unplugged the device
without ejecting it properly. Neither works on my PCs at all.
Has there been some windows update which might have caused this on
Wintel machines or are they known to be endemically unreliable?
Slightly ominously, although he does sell 1.8 inch enclosures and Ipod
ones, the vendor no longer sells them?
described as "new chipset" enclosures
They are very simple, and were cheap.
Curiously both have failed at the same time after about a year of not
particularly heavy periodic use. They have failed on all drives and
with similar symptoms: Both light up their green light at the front
(it never turns red to show that anything is amiss), some spin the
drive but neither turn up in Device Manager at all, not are they
recognised in systray when I plug them into an already running system
like they used to. The only slight difference is that on my Mac, one
of them showed up for a while after plugging in altohugh every few
minutes it would suddenly report that I had unplugged the device
without ejecting it properly. Neither works on my PCs at all.
Has there been some windows update which might have caused this on
Wintel machines or are they known to be endemically unreliable?
Slightly ominously, although he does sell 1.8 inch enclosures and Ipod
ones, the vendor no longer sells them?