Hi Robbi
What is backweb-8876480.exe? Is backweb-8876480.exe
spyware or a virus?
Process name: Logitech Desktop Messenger
Product: Mouse/Keyboard/Webcam software
Company: Logitech
File: backweb-8876480.exe
Security Rating:
"backweb-8876480.exe" is installed with the software for
Logitech products. It checks for software upgrades from
It's present under Software => Logitech Desktop Manager,
where it can be uninstalled.
See also
Backweb, suggest they only monitor keyboard / mouse
activity, so they know when the computer is inactive, they
claim they don't record key strokes. (source)
From the backweb developer: Compaq, HP, McAffee, F-Secure,
Western Digital, Logitech, Kodak and IBM are some of
BackWeb´s customers. Each of these vendors bundles a
customized BackWeb client into their products that are
then shipped to their end users. These companies use the
BackWeb client to distribute drivers, software updates,
patches and critical information from a secure server at
their site directly to their users' hard-drives. Read
From usatoday.com: One of the adware programs swept up by
Spy Sweeper on my system was BackWeb from BackWeb
Technologies, a company that works with IBM, Hewlett-
Packard, Siemens and others. Talk about mixed messages:
Spy Sweeper assessed BackWeb as a "medium" threat to my
system but nonetheless indicated that the program "is
generally used for legitimate purposes" and "should only
be removed by advanced users after careful research and
consideration." In my case, it arrived with a download of
free Kodak picture software. Kodak says the program is
used legitimately to make sure users have the latest
version of Kodak's software. A BackWeb executive also said
the software isn't spyware. And BackWeb has successfully
lobbied some anti-spyware software companies to have
BackWeb removed from their lists.
The files IAdHide.dll, IAdHide3.dll, dlgli.exe and
tempiadhide3.dll are also part of BackWeb.
Get more detailed information about backweb-8876480.exe
and all other running background processes with Security
Task Manager.
Note: Any malware can be named anything - so you should
check where the files of the running processes are located
on your disk. If a "non-Microsoft" .exe file is located in
the C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder, then there
is a high risk for a virus, spyware, trojan or worm
infection! Check it out!
BackWeb-8876480.exe file information
The process Logitech Desktop Messenger belongs to the
software Logitech Desktop Messenger by Logitech
Description: BackWeb-8876480.exe is located in a subfolder
of "C:\Program Files" or sometimes in a subfolder of
the "My Files" folder - typically c:\program
files\logitech\desktop messenger\8876480\program\. Known
file sizes on Windows XP are 16384 bytes (80% of all
occurrence), 20480 bytes.
BackWeb-8876480.exe is not a Windows system file. Program
starts when Windows starts (see Registry key:
n\Run). The program is not visible. The application
listens for or sends data on open ports to LAN or
Internet. The application has no file description.
Therefore the technical security rating is 6% dangerous,
however also read the users reviews.
External information from Paul Collins:
"Logitech Desktop Messenger" is not required to run at
start up. Installed with the software for Logitech
products. Automatically checks for software upgrades AND
new products, services and special offerings from Logitech
Important: Some malware can camouflage themselves as
BackWeb-8876480.exe, particularly if they are located in
c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 folder. Thus check the
BackWeb-8876480.exe process on your pc whether it is pest.
-----Original Message-----
Hi again, followed all that you recomended, and not one
file was on my system at all.
But the toolbar isnt actually installed on my system, the
red pop up says, it is TRYING to install, so there must be
an install program some where?
Did a good search, and could not find anything ! Downloaded
MS Malicious software removal program, it found nothing ?
Searched my msconfig for start up programs, there was a
file called........
" BackWeb-8876480" command = "\program\backweb- 8876480.exe"
= "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\run"
so i went to the regedit screen, and searched that area,
but all i could find was 2 files one says [ab] (default
REG_SZ (value not set).
and the 2nd one is [ab] gcasserv REG_SZ in "c\program
files\microsft antispyware\gcasserv.exe"
So i dont know what this Backdoorweb is, so i disabled it
from the start up registry in msconfig..
I hate to bother you, but the last letter you wrote you
sounded so competant ! (me just a basic webbuilder, and
gamer !
So if you get a spare minute???
Thanks again for all your help, and i hope my feedback, re
as i cant find where it is trying to start from?
Kind Regards
Robbi !