What software was used to partition the drive? Maybe it "hid" the
unused drive space.
Pretty sure I used PM8 from DOS.... Things have moved on, however, cos I
*certainly* used that last night. And it recognised the extra space.
XP's disk management lets me create a partition (as does PM8 under XP)
in the 'new' space. However, any attempt to format the partition results
in an error. The error is just "Format failed" - or similarly
uninformative - both in XP and also if I try it in PM8.
Ok, *if* I originally partitioned the drive with XP's setup CD (can't
quite recall now.... I've done so many things!) then the space above
180gb wouldn't have been seen at that time bc it's a pre-SP1 release.
Certainly after installing XP the next thing I did was install SP1.
Soo..o..m my question is, would XP Setup have done something to the
partition/mbr/whatever that now isn't getting changed by all my retro
efforts? I hope that makes sense!
In summary, XP-SP1 now sees that the HD is 180gb. There are 2 partitions
of 60gb and ~70gb and ~43gb of 'unused space'. I can create a logical
drive in that space. I can't format it. Disk Doctor and chkdsk can't
check it.
Caroline Picking, (e-mail address removed)
Milton Keynes, England.