I need code that can make calculate field [info] and then will do as this
If [info] > 18 chracter then
print 18 of the [info] & But if the last word be more than 18 character then
back to last space “ “ And them make new raw & vbCr & and continue with
printing 18 character and if last word is more than 18 then back to last “ “
and make new raw so On
Wich mean it can be print in the raw 5 character, because it depent on last
word if it is long. But if it is shot then it can be printed 18 character.
Thank you for your help
I need code that can make calculate field [info] and then will do as this
If [info] > 18 chracter then
print 18 of the [info] & But if the last word be more than 18 character then
back to last space “ “ And them make new raw & vbCr & and continue with
printing 18 character and if last word is more than 18 then back to last “ “
and make new raw so On
Wich mean it can be print in the raw 5 character, because it depent on last
word if it is long. But if it is shot then it can be printed 18 character.
Thank you for your help