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You have it ,I have it Thousands of other people have it
so what would you call it then except for released.If its
not been released then no one would have it,Granted its a
beta version but its available for download so its
released in beta form ????????
The support arrangements for the beta product are very different than they
would be for a released product, and expectations of performance should also
be different. Read the information at the download page, and the help,
about information in the product for more details.
Thanks for the advise bill i do not need support thanks
as i dont have it anymore,I was posting some feedback
plus dont really want to visit the site as its not
connected with microsoft as far as i can see,I was just
posting some feedback in the hope that MS might read it
at some stage then got a reply saying its not released
its beta.The point i was making is that it doesnt work
well and the only replies i got were saying i should go
to your site and read things on there.To be honest though
me reading you web page is not going to make the Antispy
product any better but me posting feedback might.So
thanks for the response but unless you work for Microsoft
and the site you are advertising is a microsoft site then
i will leave it thanks

Posts in these groups are read by Microsoft staff, and, on occasion,
responded to by them.

However, the norm is peer-to-peer support. This means that a response will
be from another user of the product. You will need some experience to judge
how to weigh that response, I'm afraid--there's no simple guideline I can

Messages and responses posted here are read by somewhere between hundreds
and thousands of others besides those involved in the original exchange, so
sometimes it is worth responding to something which really doesn't directly
seek a response.

You asked reasonable questions about the difference between a released
product and a beta. I gave what I think are some of the factual answers to
those questions.

The FAQ is, indeed, an unofficial set of responses, housed on a
non-Microsoft site. There is a FAQ about the beta at Microsoft's site,
located here:

That made no sense - most companies release beta programs for testing
purposes. The more hands and eyes that can test the software, the better it
will be come release time. What, do you want them to call this a release
candidate? Don't test it if you don't want to be a part of the beta testing
process - period.

** I do not work for Microsoft. I just don't like whiners.
This should of been a reply to my original feeback letter
which was called MS Antispy has too many problems but it
got posted as a new topic so can understand the
confusion,I posted feedback and got a reply saying its
beta which didnt apply to me feedback letter,I know its
beta thats why i posted feedback and if theres people on
here who think im wrong posting feedback then that doesnt
interest me thats their problem not mine.
Like i said in my original mail The MS antispy looks
great but isnt working properly and was detecting other
ms updates as a unknown auther plus kept freezing and
saying its not responding and then saying on the pop ups
it had allowed changes but right under where it said that
in green it also said it had blocked them as it wasnt a
trusted provider and we are talking about microsoft
updates that it didnt recognise so in my opinion it has
problems and i had no confidence it was working right,I
have plenty of pc security but wanted to try this with it
coming from microsoft but its not ready and not working
so its now been unistalled so i have no need to visit
support forums and read f.a.q and the rest as i dont have
it now ,My original post was just to make them aware of a
few faults not to engage in arguments with complete
strangers so thanks for the advise but i really do not
need it

Regards Andy
Maybe we should rename this group the "NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME PLAYERS" newsgroup. :/
I hope you aren't implying that any beta software is ready for "primetime"!
Especially considering it sounds like there will be another beta before a
RC. I can't believe people expect so much when MS just recently acquired
this company. MS is good, but can't exactly pull rabbits out of a hat here.
They are evolving this stand-alone software into a full enterprise edition!

I've been removing my other antispyware one by one (I used 5 total), and MS
antispyware is still doing the trick for me.