16Mb broadband - usb/ethernet?

Apr 13, 2004
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Once bulldog have got themselves sorted out (see thread in reviews) I will be looking to get 16Mb line. Currently I have an ADSL 2 compatable linksys wireless router with a USB reciever thing connected to my PC. Will the greater speed of 16mB mean I should get an ethernet based reciever thing or is the speed of a USB 2 port still far greater than 16mB and so not worth changing?
It's best if you just set up 1 thread than doing 2, as 2 will only confuse things.
USB was never designed for Internet communications ... Any ISP who used such a modem should be avoided, however, they now know that USB cannot cope with the newer speeds and 'should' offer a replacement Ethernet modem. If your lucky it will be free.

Save any 'problems' for the future and get an Ethernet Router/Modem. ;)