169.xxx.xxx.xx IP



I know, this is not a new issue. It never is.


Home network with 5 computers

4 connect to a wireless linksys router (3 by cable, one wirelessly)
this router connects to another router - acting as a gateway -
connected to the DSL Modem.

I have recently added a 5th computer to the network and connect it to
the Router acting as a gateway. The IP on this computer always
autoconfigs at 169.xxx.xxx.xx

When I connect a different computer the same way, I get a proper IP.
If I manually config the IP I can communicate on the network to the
other computers, but not the internet. As far as I can tell, this
means that everything is working properly as far as hardware goes.
Software on the other hand...

I am using WinXP Home Ed.

any help is extremely appreciated.


I know, this is not a new issue. It never is.


Home network with 5 computers

4 connect to a wireless linksys router (3 by cable, one wirelessly)
this router connects to another router - acting as a gateway -
connected to the DSL Modem.

I have recently added a 5th computer to the network and connect it to
the Router acting as a gateway. The IP on this computer always
autoconfigs at 169.xxx.xxx.xx

When I connect a different computer the same way, I get a proper IP.
If I manually config the IP I can communicate on the network to the
other computers, but not the internet. As far as I can tell, this
means that everything is working properly as far as hardware goes.
Software on the other hand...

I am using WinXP Home Ed.

any help is extremely appreciated.


Start by providing ipconfig information for the problem computer (manually
configured), and one working computer.
Start - Run - "cmd". Type "ipconfig /all >c:\ipconfig.txt" into the command
window - Open c:\ipconfig.txt in Notepad, make sure that Format - Word Wrap is
NOT checked!, copy and paste entire contents into your next post. Identify
operating system (by name, version, and SP level) with each ipconfig listing.

What port does the Linksys router use to connect to the second (gateway) router?
Does the DHCP log give a clue when you set the problem computer up to auto
configure, and it gets a 169.254.x.x address? Is the DHCP server on the
Linksys, or the gateway router?


Steven said:
I know, this is not a new issue. It never is.


Home network with 5 computers

4 connect to a wireless linksys router (3 by cable, one wirelessly)
this router connects to another router - acting as a gateway -
connected to the DSL Modem.

I have recently added a 5th computer to the network and connect it to
the Router acting as a gateway. The IP on this computer always
autoconfigs at 169.xxx.xxx.xx

When I connect a different computer the same way, I get a proper IP.
If I manually config the IP I can communicate on the network to the
other computers, but not the internet. As far as I can tell, this
means that everything is working properly as far as hardware goes.
Software on the other hand...

I am using WinXP Home Ed.

any help is extremely appreciated.

I'd check the ports on them all. Sounds to me like you have a hub port in
use that is set up as an uplink when it shouldn't be.

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