160GB 2.5" SATA Hard Drive

Aug 12, 2004
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I need your opinions on which HDD to get.

I have a sony VAIO, the drive in it makes so much noise, especially when it is idle that i cannot bear to have it turned on when i am not using it, it is also a slow drive. The drive constantly clicks when it is not in use, this is a problem many people are having according to some forums, but sony will still not accept it as a problem, and will not replace it.

It is just as bad as trying to work in a room with a smoke alarm beeping every 20 seconds!

I am going to replace the drive itself, this thread is not to help me fix the problem but to help me find a new drive for my laptop.

It has to be a 160GB SATA 2.5" drive (5400 RPM or above) and under no circumstances can it be a fujitsu drive.

The only ones i can find are:

Seagate Momentus ST9160821AS (£130)
Hitachi Travelstar HTS541616J9SA00 (£100)

The drive has to be Fast, but more importantly silent!

Any Ideas? - seagate i prefer as they are mainly a HDD make, not anything else.
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I would have suggested Samsung for quietness but if it boils down to a choice between those two I'd go for the Seagate, mostly because I've had no experience of the new Hitachi range so far.

Hitachi took over IBM hard drives, including those infamous 'Deskstars' but I've read the new Hitachi range are fast and reliable.
There is a samsung at £125, same specs as the Hitachi.

Are you saying samsung because of laptop drives, or just general drives?
I have just looked at the Hitachi again, it is actually a faster drive, with a higher read speed and faster seek time.

I just need to know if it is quiet :D