£150 to spend on an mp3 player

Apr 10, 2005
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Im not really sure what one to choose. I have read alot of reviews for different players but still not sure. I have looked at the zen micro, zen touch and the Iriver H10 and havent really seen any others that are any good. Ive been told the zen micro is expensive for 5gb especially when the zen touch is a little bit more and 20gb.

Also does anyone know if they have fized the problems with the micro such as the headphone socket and batter sliding off by itself?

Any suggestions? Hope you can help. Maximum £150 but less if possible.

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If you can find it (you can get it second hand on Amazon market place for £110), I'll always recommened the Creative Labs Jukebox Zen Xtra 30GB. It's a big thing yes, but the software included is a delight to use, and the sound quality is excellent.

The Olympus MR-100 which I just reviewed is pretty nice as well. Only 5GB though.
i want something that can easily fit into my pocket, i am mainly getting it to listen to when traveeling to and from work.
save some money and get am ipod shuffle or something ...

the sony hd3 is going rather cheap now ... but u have to put up with sonicstage and ATRAC3 sadly :( ...

erm i have heard a thing called a Rio somwthing or other is good :)
i still havent seen anything better than the zen micro, 5gb is enough so even though it is alittle more for 20gb i just dont need it, so are there any better 5GB options available?
I Think Sony Or Some Manufaturer Should Make A Car Stereo That Can Search For Mp3 Through A Usb Port Cause I Dont Like The Head Phone Stuff.
I Put A Stand Alone Mp3 Player On My 1g Usb Drive And Love It. You Can Put A Life Time Of Music On It Plus All Kinds Of Software. I Carry All My Farorite Mp3's With Me But I Cant Listen To It With Out A Pc. I Would Be Cool If I Could Plug It Into A Car Stereo.
If your only ater 5GB, it seems to be a choice between the MR-100, the Zen Micro, and the Rio Carbon. I've tried the last of those personally, but I've only heard good things. The MR-100 is a delightful little player though, and it looks gorgeous!
i wont get the rio carbon because it doesnt allow you to have playlists and the olympus is too much for me.
I've had a Zen Micro since April and its been faultless, i use it all day every day at work. never had any of the probs that you said about. :thumb: :)
so how much did you buy it for? the cheapest i have seen is £134, know anywhere that has it cheaper?

Got mine for about 140 i think, but that was back in April. They are cheaper now from what i've seen.

Oh and i got it from Amazon.
yeah not too bad, i will probaly go through greasypalm to get cashback if i can.

Oh what colour should i get? Black, silver or white?
I got the black one just coz i liked it the best, and it goes well with the blue lights around the outside. :)

Did you see the review on this site in the User Reviews section that Cacheman did?