14 field query fails Output To Excel with "Too many fields defined"


Phil Smith

I need this to run overnight every night. When I simply open this
select query, I get a 14 field query with about 80 rows of data.

Access 2003.

Jerry Whittle

How does it fail?

When does it fail: during the output or during the nightly job?

How exactly are you running the output?

How are you going to run it every night?

Phil Smith

It fails at the "Output To" step of a macro. It does not matter when I
run it, whether nightly, based on a scheduled call to Access to run a
specified macro, or I simply open up the database and manually lauch
that macro.

Jerry Whittle

How does it fail: just doesn't produce an Excel file? Any error messages? How
about if you manually export the data without using the macro?

Phil Smith

Jerry said:
How does it fail: just doesn't produce an Excel file? Any error messages? How
about if you manually export the data without using the macro?

It fails with the error message:
"Too Many Fields Defined."

If I Choose "Export", choose Excel (2003) and give it the same path and
filename, it works fine.

Jerry Whittle

Instead of Output To try Transfer Spreadsheet in a macro or code. They are
slightly different and sometimes one works when the other won't.

Jerry Whittle

That didn't work? Strange. What happens when you run it with fewer fields in
the query or use a different, simpler query? Could you post the SQL to the
query. I'd like to see if anything strange is happening in it.

Phil Smith

Tried it with a different query completely, same thing. tried removing
fields, same thing. now I have another computer, another database,
another query, doing the same thing.

Any ideas? My entire stable of on demand reports is rapidly turnign to
cap because Microsoft access can't seem to do what it is suoed to be
able to do.


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