1394 controller working but firewire harddrive is not detecting



Hello there,

This questions goes out to anyone who has some knowledge
on 1394 controllers in Windows XP Pro. I have had a
MAXTOR 80 gig Firewire harddrive connected to my PC for
some time now and encountered no problems. When I first
installed my PCI firewire card XP detected it no
problem. But now for some reason, although the 1394
controller in my device manager says the hardware is
fine, whenever I try to get my harddrive to detect I get
no response, not even my system crashing. I've tried
every kind of restart, unplug, shut-down, plug in, turn-
on, turn-off combination I can think of with no luck.
Does anyone know what this problem is related to? If
it's because of another driver the only driver I've
recently installed in the past 6 months was a .ogg driver
so I could listen to .ogg music files. Could this be the
cause of the problem? Any help will be greatly
appreciated. I need those 80 gigs back! ;_;

Thanks in advance!


Hello there,

This questions goes out to anyone who has some knowledge
on 1394 controllers in Windows XP Pro. I have had a
MAXTOR 80 gig Firewire harddrive connected to my PC for
some time now and encountered no problems. When I first
installed my PCI firewire card XP detected it no
problem. But now for some reason, although the 1394
controller in my device manager says the hardware is
fine, whenever I try to get my harddrive to detect I get
no response, not even my system crashing. I've tried
every kind of restart, unplug, shut-down, plug in, turn-
on, turn-off combination I can think of with no luck.
Does anyone know what this problem is related to? If
it's because of another driver the only driver I've
recently installed in the past 6 months was a .ogg driver
so I could listen to .ogg music files. Could this be the
cause of the problem? Any help will be greatly
appreciated. I need those 80 gigs back! ;_;

Thanks in advance!

It seems to be a big bug in XP. If you check around forums and newsgroups,
you'll see that there are lots of problems with XP and Firewire acting
exactly the way you're describing. My Firewire connection to my digicam
does the same thing and I've found no fix yet. I'm sitll hoping. Maybe with
SP 2. Mine worked with a previous install of XP, but now does not and it's
the same hardware and programs. Go figure.



Had the same problem i correct mine by completly
uninstalling the card from the machine boot up a few times
then reinstalled the card and it worked again. Try this it
may work for you...... My first encounter was with a
windows update i wish i can be specific as to which one


Thanks for the advice. I did just what you said and it
worked. It was only a minor inconvenience too so it all
worked out. Thanks again!

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