how do i set my peice of c*** computer' s resolution to
1366 x 768 it has an integrated intel chipset(which is
Got a 3 year LCD Bravia 40" like I do?
The closest you can get with the Intel chip (I have same) is
1280 x 768. Not bad - a 43 pixel black bar per side is almost
invisible. But the Bravia looks like SHIT when showing movies.
You need a CRT for that.
MAYBE your chip is newer and DOES have a better resolution -
just go to control panel/Intel video properties and search for
all modes. Don't forget for LCD monitors the refresh rate must
be 60 Hz.
ps i still have the same problem with it crashing when i go
to play any game that uses directx(igxpdx32.dll) is there
somthing like nvemulate but for intel so i can use opengl
I don't know, uninstall and reinstall DirectX - maybe an older
version - and Google - DirectX's main claim to fame is that
every release I remember has had a disclaimer that it "may make
you machine inoperable, in which case you should go back to the
previous version". Good ol' MS.
There are only two classifications of disk drives: Broken drives
and those that will break later.
- Chuck Armstrong (This one I think,,
not the ball player. But who knows. I can't remember where I got
the quote. But it's true.)