128MB ATI Radeon X600 SE performance?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ferg
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can anyone tell me what sort of performance i could expect from a
128MB ATI Radeon X600 SE card, i presume
its a cut down version of the x600 pro.
i do play the odd game,mostly halo and
half life 2,thats about it,so not concerened about next years games


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ferg said:
can anyone tell me what sort of performance i could expect from a
128MB ATI Radeon X600 SE card, i presume
its a cut down version of the x600 pro.
i do play the odd game,mostly halo and
half life 2,thats about it,so not concerened about next years games

I would avoid it like the plague. You do not want any video card with 64bit
memory for gaming, period. It's basically a low bandwidth 9600SE in PCI-e
I use an ATI Radeon X600 XT 128MB PCI-E. It can run HL2 smoothly on
Medium settings and it has some framerate drops on High settings.
Is this card a 64-bit?
Puissance said:
I use an ATI Radeon X600 XT 128MB PCI-E. It can run HL2 smoothly on
Medium settings and it has some framerate drops on High settings.
Is this card a 64-bit?

No it isn't, it's basically a 128bit 9600XT in PCI-e formactor. A reasonably
decent card.