Yes, if the format includes year/month/day codes. If you
are only displaying the time part of a date/time value, then
the date part of the value might be anything with only the
time part being zero (midnight).
In table design, there is no format or mask specified.
In this table (which is updated from many different places) I see dates,
blanks and the offending 12:00:00 AM in several records. I only ever put
dates in this field or blank out already set dates by setting to Null.
Something tells me this will be a very difficult one to solve.
Also check to make sure the field's DefaultValue is not set
to 0. This would be used if you were testing some
incomplete code that creates new records (or a user never
entered a date).
Another possibility is if you use code to add/update records
and the code set the date field to an uninitialized