
  • Thread starter Thread starter paul
  • Start date Start date


For my Access 2000 application, my user told me, when
she tried to review the previous record (she entered
Yesterday), all the fields only dispaly "################"
(luckily only one record).
How this happen? Any way to prevent it?
Is the field's column width is too narrow to display the entire number or
value in the field?
This happen to all the fields in one record. I checked
the backup tape, on 08/03/2004, (the day it got input) the
data was good, but 08/04/2000,the data only
dispaly "############".
Well, now, this is a new problem...I've not seen this before. It's possible
that something may have happened to the database while the record was being
viewed (corruption?).

If you can zip up the backup and current copies of the database and email to
me, I'll take a look. Be sure to identify the table and record of interest.
My email address is obtained by removing this is not real from my reply
Hm..I faced the same problem several times, it happens after
corruption occured.
So, now what we have to do is focusing on how to reduce mdb.
corruption. I'm now split the system into Front-end(Application) on
each user pc and back-end(Database) on server pc. It's seems still
working quite well "in these days". I'm still watching the result of
using this method.

Hope this helps.

Leinad Kong
Funny, I have a DBase on a network that went down and the
last record was filled with ########### in every cell like
yours. There has to be a greater reason I think. I ran the
repair utility and everything was ducky from there, but
what about the #######'s..? Any other ideas..?

Thank you.