something strange keeps happening, whenever i try to type in any feild of any
type [eg. word document, internet search, excel spreadsheet, login
fields..anywhere that you can type...] 1's appear and they keep appearing. if
i try to backspace or delete some, some other numbers usually come up and
then a number [often 8 or 9] begins repeating like the 1 previously did.
sometimes this dosen't happen at all, but if it happens when i've just begun
the computer the only way i can temporarily stop it is to login to my email
or something and if the nubmers still kepp showing up to just keep deleting
what's wrong and how can i fix it.
type [eg. word document, internet search, excel spreadsheet, login
fields..anywhere that you can type...] 1's appear and they keep appearing. if
i try to backspace or delete some, some other numbers usually come up and
then a number [often 8 or 9] begins repeating like the 1 previously did.
sometimes this dosen't happen at all, but if it happens when i've just begun
the computer the only way i can temporarily stop it is to login to my email
or something and if the nubmers still kepp showing up to just keep deleting
what's wrong and how can i fix it.