110 IRQs assigned to "Microsoft ACPI-compliant system"

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In trying to get Quake Wars to work on my computer with Windows Vista Home
Premium, the tech support guy requested my sysinfo file. He didn't help me
with anything to make my game work but did tell me that I have 110 IRQs
assigned to ""Microsoft ACPI-compliant system"" which he says is abnormal,
and states that there should only be one.

Is this true? And if not is it a problem that the System Information program
tells me in saying that so many are assigned to "Microsoft ACPI-compliant

The IRQs in question are IRQs 80-190 and are viewed in
System Summary -> Hardware Resources -> IRQs
I have the same IRQ's assigned on my computer so I would say that it is
normal and that you need a better tech.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

I did not actually count them but there a LOT.

Vista Home Premium, Dell XPS410
Thanks guys just thought I might check. And yes I do need a better tech it's
been near 2 or more weeks and the furthest we have gotten is "install the new
ATi drivers that have been released today" and when I sent him the QW error
report that in it states that the game thinks my x1950 Pro is missing an
open GL feature (occlusion somethingsomething) he was still having me try and
disable the soundcard ><

Will let him know to get a move on and forget about it :)