im not sure i understand this but maybe one you people can explain it to me!
i was talking to my brother in law and he has a xbox360 and a plasma big
screen at 1080i
he says it looks much better than my 21 inch sony trinitron at 1600x1200 at
32bit with it turned up as high as everything can be on a x1900xtx 512 x 2
in crossfire 2 of them with a core 2 duo extreme 2.93 with 4 gigs ram, was
i correct in saying no way ,or am i misinformed
i was talking to my brother in law and he has a xbox360 and a plasma big
screen at 1080i
he says it looks much better than my 21 inch sony trinitron at 1600x1200 at
32bit with it turned up as high as everything can be on a x1900xtx 512 x 2
in crossfire 2 of them with a core 2 duo extreme 2.93 with 4 gigs ram, was
i correct in saying no way ,or am i misinformed