Win 2000 Server was demoted to "member" server, joined to
new domain, then promoted to domain controller. Now
getting Event IDs 1000 and 1202 every 5 minutes.
Winlogon.log indicates the following after "COPY LOCAL
Error 30: The system cannot read from the specified
device. Error querying info of SsectionID.
Error 1208: An extended error has occurred. Error
copy local policy to start policy propagation.
Also, when accessing "local security policy" get an error
when opening almost any section similar to "cannot access
template info.
Any ideas?
new domain, then promoted to domain controller. Now
getting Event IDs 1000 and 1202 every 5 minutes.
Winlogon.log indicates the following after "COPY LOCAL
Error 30: The system cannot read from the specified
device. Error querying info of SsectionID.
Error 1208: An extended error has occurred. Error
copy local policy to start policy propagation.
Also, when accessing "local security policy" get an error
when opening almost any section similar to "cannot access
template info.
Any ideas?