100% Table

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I'm using FP2000. I have a 3-cell table (3 rows X 1 col) embedded in another
table cell. The top and bottom cells contain an image, while the middle cell
uses a background image and has a transparent spacer image inserted. I want
the middle cell to expand vertically so that the embedded table fills 100%
height of the table cell in which it's embedded, in order to create a
vertical border effect. I can't get there. I tried setting the table to 100%
height, then using something like 1%/98%/1% for the 3 cells, but it didn't

If it helps, a URL is, with the issue
involving the purple scroll on the left side. I'm forcing the right-side
scroll by manually setting the cell height in pixels, but that requires that
I make manual table changes every time the page content changes. Any
suggestions are very much appreciated.
As long as your pages have this doctype -

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

you won't get there.

Here's the deal.

A doctype on an HTML page tells the browser how to render the page. If
there is no doctype, or if there is an invalid one, the page is rendered in
quirks mode. If there is a valid doctype, the page is rendered in standards

In quirks mode, the browser makes an attempt to render invalid HTML. Not
all browsers attempt the same rendering - so you will see a variety of
differences, comparing one browser to the next on the same page.

In standards mode, the browsers all render the same (so they say - but in
practice, while not true, it's much more uniform).

Table height is invalid HTML. It always has been - it was never a part of
HTML's specs.

Browsers in quirks mode will try to render table heights. Browsers in
standards mode willl not. Your doctype is a valid and complete doctype so
the page will render in standards mode.


If you want to do valid table heights, read this -

Thanks, Murray, for the lesson and the link. I sure didn't know beforehand,
but I geddit now. Funny thing is, I don't usually use the DOCTYPE, and now
can't remember why I used it this time. Oh well, thanks again for your help.