Silver is the best thermal conducting metal known why dont they sell pure
silver heatsinks, Silver is about 5.50 cents an ounce, at most a heatsink
would need 3 ounces of pure silver 16-17 dollars of metal, plus the fan, at
most 30-40 dollars retail but you would have a bad ass pure shining silver
heatsink, call it the silver bullit
Others have already ripped your economics to shreds, so I won't waste
effort on that, - but:
"at most a heatsink would need 3 ounces" !?
How did you ever come up with that estimate? Taking the weight from
_aluminum_ heatsinks?
- It would need about 2 pounds!
To cut down waste, the heatsink would have to be cast. Complex casting
too. Now, if you were prepared to add the cost of complex casting to
the production process, what kinds of advanced designs and what kinds
of results would you be able to achieve with copper, copper/aluminium,
even aluminum then?
I think this simple table tells it all:
Density in 10^3kg/m^3
Heat Capacity in J/kgK
Heat Conductivity in W/mK
Metal Density Heat Capacity Heat Conductivity
Copper 8.96 385 400
Silver 10.5 236 418
Aluminum 2.7 903 238
Very minute 4% changes in cross sectional area and distance to
cooling surfaces, will compensate any small advantage silver might
have at transporting heat. Since copper's density is almost 15% lower
than silver's, copper is clearly the superior cooler material, even
not counting in its massive advantage in heat capacity.