Hi Dominick - You'll need to open a Command window in the folder where
you've downloaded the WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe. Then enter on one line
at the command prompt:
WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce
Here's how: Right click on that download folder and see if you have 'Open a
Command Window Here' in the context menu for the folder; if so, then click
it and enter the /wuforce line. If not then go to Start|Run and enter
"Cmd" without the quotes. Now in the DOS window that opens enter:
cd c:\{fully qualified path name to the folder where you downloaded
For example, if that folder was named Downloads on your C: drive: cd
The prompt should now show that folder's name, and you can then enter the
/wuforce line from above.
Try that if I haven't totally confused you.
Regards, Jim Byrd,
My Blog, Defending Your Machine,
In Dominick <
[email protected]> typed:
|| jimmm - Cann you explain in more detail how to force the install of
|| windows updaater? I don't know where to apply the /wuforce
|| exchange. Dom
|| "Dominick" wrote:
||| Gerry, Jim, Patrick and Foamy -
||| Commit Charge - total 930,000, Limit 1131084, Peak 934624
||| System Idles is about 85%, and a few others are less than 5% each.
||| 640 mb ram
||| 80gb hd with 3.5gb free
||| I use MacAfee, Ad-aware, Spybot - all recently run and clean.
||| I will be implementing the advice you gave me last week or two ago
||| sometime this weekend. Also, the fan is running all the time and
||| the processor gets hot so it appears to be working very hard,
||| despite task manager telling me that nothing is going on!
||| Thanks again, sorry for the delay - work has been busy! I
||| appreciate your advice.
||| Dom
||| "Gerry" wrote:
|||| Dominick
|||| What is using 100% CPU? You can ignore any SystemIdle % as it is
|||| merely the difference between what is being used and 100%.
|||| --
|||| Hope this helps.
|||| Gerry
|||| ~~~~
|||| FCA
|||| Stourport, England
|||| Enquire, plan and execute
|||| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|||| Dominick wrote:
||||| wow - thanks to all of you. I will be taking all of these steps
||||| later today and will repost to let you know how things go. The
||||| hard drive is relatively new about a year old - 80 gig with about
||||| half occupied - disk defragmenter says it is OK. I've run
||||| ad-aware and spybot on the machine, as well as Mcafee virus scan
||||| already. i have 640mb ram. I'll let you know how things go and
||||| I do appreciate everyone's help.
||||| "Gerry" wrote:
|||||| Dominick
|||||| Try Ctrl+Alt+Delete to select Task Manager and click the
|||||| Performance Tab. Under Commit Charge what is the Total, the
|||||| Limit and the Peak?
|||||| How much RAM memory?
|||||| How large is your hard disk and how much free space.
|||||| What are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangemrnts?
|||||| --
|||||| Hope this helps.
|||||| Gerry
|||||| ~~~~
|||||| FCA
|||||| Stourport, England
|||||| Enquire, plan and execute
|||||| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|||||| Dominick wrote:
||||||| In using XP SP2 on a laptop, I am frustrated that there are
||||||| times when the CPU seems to be preoccupied - task mannager
||||||| shows 100% usage but the few apps open don't add up to more
||||||| than 15%. the CPU is busy doing something - i've virus and
||||||| ad-scanned, gone thru the microsoft optimizationn steps, have
||||||| enough rAM..any suggestions for what may be keeping the
||||||| processor so busy? thanks - dom