100 Best & Free Linux Games

Gnu/Linux games are not quite up to the gfx quality of Windows/Mac etc games. I have tried some of the FPS games and they are good fun gfx on a par with HL and maybe even better.

There are tons of good games for the younger person and I have tried and can recommend as good fun,

Tux Typing
Frozen Bubble
Super Tux
Super TuxKart
Extreme Tux Racer
Scorched 3D
Free Col
Battle For Wesnoth
Free Droid RPG

I have tried to play,

Yo Frankie - gave up trying to install as I had problems with the Blender version needed for my version of Arch. I really want to play this and will try again in the autumn.

Danger From The Deep - installed ok on Mandriva(I think) looked good but too many keyboard keys etc etc for me but it looked pretty neat.

Have not played but will investigate,

Spring 1944 - This looks really interesting and is supposed to be very acurate for the equipment and maps. You can play as the Germans aswell.Another for the autumn or deep winter.

FreeDink - The game features the twisted adventure of young Dink Smallwood, a pig farmer who leaves his town and goes on a quest to save the world. It is the title that gets me, mebees I'm just a country bumpkin at heart.

I think I am the only one on PC review who does not play any games. Am I missing anything? :lol:
There is a distro especially for gamers "Ultimate Edition 3.0", here is an exhaustive review of that distro (2.8 version) which gives complete details of what is included and also gives information about windows games that you can play on it (full list).

Hope someone will find it useful
Have never tried your suggestion Quad. It sounds pretty good.


The one above I have tried and a great deal of it worked straight out of the box. It was the DVD version not the Super Double DVD version as I don't have dual -layer dvd.Was quietly impressed as it is a Live DVD environment. Gives you a good multi game hit in one download.

I think this is the correct version for a single DVD.

The SuperGamer-VL2 BASE is the LiveDVD for a BLANKET Coverage of all video cards.

Never tried this but it looks good for children and not so bloodthirsty types.As well as true blue killers.


There are two editions: a big one and a lite. The differences between these are as follows:
  • The big edition contains the full games selection. This includes games unsuitable for children or games requiring more powerful hardware. It will fit onto a DVD or USB flash drive (min. 5GB capacity).
  • The lite edition contains a smaller games selection. It only has games suitable for children and games that run even on older hardware. It will fit onto a CD or USB flash drive (min. 1GB capacity).
All of the games listed below are ready to launch once you boot the distribution.

Closest I've got is installing Steam into Mint 17 64 Bit where I have quite a lot of games running flawlessly.