10 Alternatives to manage your iPod

Apr 19, 2008
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As some might think iTunes can be a little crap..I had a look around for some alternatives and found this site which has some alternatives on it...They can be used on Linux/windows or Mac....I'm going to ave a play around today and see which I like and which is simplest to use...lol So expect additions to this thread..
Madxgraphics said:
I have been wondering the same thing...I am fed up with iTunes...Brand spankers iPod that seems to be constantly corrupted....

I had a little look around and found this I haven't really had time to look at any of them, but did notice that the majority support Linux...Which I think should make more than a few people on here happy...Actually think I am going to spend the day playing around with what I found and will start a new thread...

Good list Mr Mad :thumb:

It seems Winamp supports I-Pods but without cover art support. Link I never knew that before.

My 30Gb personal I-Pod is linked to my media machine, I'll leave that be for now.

But I bought a used 80Gb I-Pod from Cex about 9 months ago which has very little on it atm, that's linked to my AMD machine # 2. The idea was to load my entire Disco library onto it as backup but it is so time consuming having to name every track from my home made compilations and arrange them into folders I haven't bothered so far.

I don't need cover art on the 80Gb pod so I shall uninstall I-Tunes/Quick Time and try Winamp.

Give me a few days and I'll report back on it.
Winamp is very widely used and plug-ins are constantly being coded for it. Only a matter of time I would think if not already untill someone makes a plug-in to allow artwork?