I have a db that tracks several surveys. One particular survey has approx
130 questions. So what I did was I separated the survey or divided it
between 3 tables. The first table is called the tblAdaSurveyMAIN and the
primary key is named SRID. This table consists of items such as client name,
date survey completed, etc. The other two tables (I will refer to these
tables as the question tables) contain the actual questions on the survey and
they each have forgein keys named SRID (and of course they each have their
own respective primary keys)....So i created relationships between the main
tbl and the other two.
Now, as far as the forms go...I created the main form based on
tblAdaSurveyMain. Then, rather than creating two separate subforms, I
created an unbound form that consists of a SELECT statement that pulls all
the fields from the two question tables. I tried doing a double parent/child
link, linking the SRID from the main form to each of the SRID fields on the
two question forms. For some reason the two SRID fields on the subform are
not automatically filled in as I am entering the data on the main form, and
as I try to begin entering data on the subform I get the message: "The object
doesn't contain the Automation object 'tblAdaSurvey Initial', you tried to
run a vb procedure to set a property or method for an object. However, the
component doesn't make the property or method available for Automation
operations. Check the component's documentation for information on the
properties and methods it makes available for Automation operations." and
then again "The object doesn't contain the Automation object
I hoped I have explained this well enough.
130 questions. So what I did was I separated the survey or divided it
between 3 tables. The first table is called the tblAdaSurveyMAIN and the
primary key is named SRID. This table consists of items such as client name,
date survey completed, etc. The other two tables (I will refer to these
tables as the question tables) contain the actual questions on the survey and
they each have forgein keys named SRID (and of course they each have their
own respective primary keys)....So i created relationships between the main
tbl and the other two.
Now, as far as the forms go...I created the main form based on
tblAdaSurveyMain. Then, rather than creating two separate subforms, I
created an unbound form that consists of a SELECT statement that pulls all
the fields from the two question tables. I tried doing a double parent/child
link, linking the SRID from the main form to each of the SRID fields on the
two question forms. For some reason the two SRID fields on the subform are
not automatically filled in as I am entering the data on the main form, and
as I try to begin entering data on the subform I get the message: "The object
doesn't contain the Automation object 'tblAdaSurvey Initial', you tried to
run a vb procedure to set a property or method for an object. However, the
component doesn't make the property or method available for Automation
operations. Check the component's documentation for information on the
properties and methods it makes available for Automation operations." and
then again "The object doesn't contain the Automation object
I hoped I have explained this well enough.