1 Question (no work involved)

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ste mac

Hi There,
I have a spreadsheet which stands right now at 118meg... it runs fine,
I was going to make a move that would increase the file size to over
135meg or bigger, l am no-programmer and l use this ng for snippets
of code from the high flyers to use in my program...

My question is: when is too big actually too big? does it depend on the
machine? or will Excel just give in at some stage?


seeya ste
Hi seeya ste!


Charles Williams:

You'll see that the limits vary with Excel version but that Excel 2003
should be able to handle it.

You might also make your file size much smaller by making the used
range more efficient.

You might also make your code more efficient by using Rob Bovey's

Stephen Bullen hosted (temporary location):

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.
Why is it so large?
What are you going to do that will increase its size so much.
How long does it take to load?
What do you use it for?

Excel does have its limits, usually based on available memory, hard disk
size and user patience.

Andy Wiggins
Home of "Save and BackUp",
"The Excel Auditor" and "Byg Tools for VBA"
Hi Andy, thanks for your reply, the reason it is so large is due to the
amount of data the wb is holding, if l could program for real (like some
of the people here) it could probably be made a bit smaller..
The app works fine, it takes around 8 sec's to open and runs fine..
My question was asked to see if someone knew what the 'limit' was in
Excel (if there is any)l have been constantly using this app for over
a year without any problems, l was just wondering when/if it was getting
too big...
I have 1 gig memory, 40 gig HD and not very much patience(<g>)

seeya ste
I suggest an experiment.

Take of copy of the workbook and do whatever you do to increase the size.
Keep increasing it until Excel or the machine gives up. You might be
surprised at what Excel can do with your resources. If the machine gives up
first, try running the workbook on a machine with bigger resources.
Sometimes it's a lot cheaper to add some more RAM or to add a larger
hard-disk than it is to put the effort into programming.

The point of this experiment is so you know just how far you can take it
without having to think about re-designing the application.

Andy Wiggins
Home of "Save and BackUp",
"The Excel Auditor" and "Byg Tools for VBA"