Windows XP 1 of your disks needs checked for consistency

Jul 6, 2007
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I am having a problem with my computer, its an Acer Aspire and is running XP. Somedays the the PC will turn off and when it restarts it will start with the blue screen error and it says checking files on system C: file system fat32 1 of your disks needs checked for consistency. Is this the start of a failing hard drive as I was going to replace the hard drive, but thought I would check the forums first. Can you help, thanks :confused:
It turns off unexpectingly.
I have checked it for viruses.
Not to sure about the system files or drivers. What would be best way to check this?
The best way to check for corrupted system files is to reinstall XP.
If you don't have an XP disc, buy an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) disc, OEM is always cheaper that retail.
Hi, re-installed XP so seems to not be the problem. I have had a look at the event viewer and after the crash i have received these following error messages under system:
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck, bug check was: 0x10000050 (0xfe7ed0e4, 0x00000000, 0xfa1e4ef7, 0x00000000) mini072407-01
bugcheck was: 0x1000008e (0xc0000005, 0x805636f2, 0xf5d0559c,0x00000000) mini072007-02.
bugcheck was: 0x1000008e (0xc0000005, 0x805636f2, 0xf5cb959c, 0x00000000) mini072007-01.
Does anyone know what a bug check is?
Advance thanks
Did you try what V_R said?
To run it, go to My computer, right click Local disk, go to properties and click tools tab, and click check now. Tick both boxes in the dialog.

Hope this works, JB

If not, remove your hard drive from your computer, put a new one in and install XP on that, and that should reaveal if its a failing hard drive or motherboerd. Is you copy of Windows genuine and has been activated as well?
And how long have you had your laptop?
It takes a gob of time to finish, but best play it safe
Hi Everyone who helped

Last week I added new memory to my PC and all has been working fine since.

Thanks to everyone that helped.
Seems to be, the computer has been behaving and not turned itself off. I installed the memory 2 weeks ago, all ok since so heres hoping!!