1 hard dirve XP Pro and 2 computers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris
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I have one computer at home and one computer at the
office. I am using a mobile docking station for the hard
drive. I have loaded XP-Pro on the hard drive, it works at
home but when I plug it into the office it does not even
boot. Is there a way to be able to use one hard drive on
both machines. Or am I stuck buying another hard drive and
another windows XP-Pro software package??

Thanks in advance.
Unless the motherboard, video card, sound card, etc are exactly the same
make and model on both computers Win XP will not work the way you are
trying. XP is sensitive to the hardware installed on a computer. You will
need another hard drive and XP package for your work computer.

You can use the "removable drive" as a data only drive to carry between the
two systems but in that case you should uninstall XP from the drive and set
it up as a non-bootable drive and install a new drive in each of the two
Greetings --

As it has *always* been with *all* Microsoft operating systems,
it's necessary (to be in compliance with both the EULA and copyright
laws, if not technically) to purchase one WinXP license for each
computer on which it is installed. The only way in which WinXP
licensing differs from that of earlier versions of Windows is that
Microsoft has finally added a copy protection and anti-theft
mechanism, Product Activation, to prevent (or at least make more
difficult) the sort of multiple installations you're asking about.

Bruce Chambers

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