might give this a try.
from an earlier post
Language Select
Yesterday, Sunday I was so interested in Japanese
language and keyboard and etc. and posted a message here
on this Message Board. I got the very informative and
knowledgeable response on this, that also may help you
understand on this regard, 'foreign language and keyboard
installation' :
Then, I would like to share a terrific response on this
with those who are interested in any Asian language input.
Here is what I got as to language and keyboard:
How to install IMEs
Control Panel
Regional and Language Options icon
Languages tab
Select Install files for East Asian languages
(you may be prompted for WinXP CD)
Control Panel
Languages tab
Details button
(e-mail address removed)
I have Windows XP Professional.
Is it possible for me to log in and have everything in
windows in English, then for my flatmate to log in with
everything in windows in Japanese?