1/4 point line in tables doesn't work



I'm creating a table in powerpoint. I'm going to set table lines
thinner than the usual 1pt.
Even if I set line width at 1/4pt Powerpoint doesn't keep this setting
and keeps lines' width at 1pt (or more).

Does anyone has a solution?
Thanks a lot

Have a nice day

Glen Millar


Turn the lines off using the buttons for each line.

Then set the size to 1/4 pt with no lines active. Then use the buttons to
reapply the lines at that 1/4 pt size.

Bizarre, huh ;-) There are other ways but that one allows you to see what is



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at

glen at pptworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint / Windows version,
whether you are using vba, or
anything else relevant


I've already used this procedure. After having set a thinner line I
click yes but PowerPoint doesn't keep settings and my lines are always
1pt large.

The strangest thing is that if I set 1pt ore more width line it works.
I don't really know what to do :(

Glen Millar ha scritto:

Glen Millar


I sometimes hate PowerPoint's tables.

Anyway, I have checked and with this method I outlined, and the table line
is definitely 1/4 pt. That is:


But when I reload the dialogue box, it says 1 pt. But I checked again and it
is still set to 1/4 pt in reality. My hunch is there is something about the
dialogue box that is not reading correctly. It is set to 1/4 but reads as 1



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at

glen at pptworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint / Windows version,
whether you are using vba, or
anything else relevant

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