1.1 front end and 2.0 backend

  • Thread starter Thread starter moondaddy
  • Start date Start date


Is it possible to run a winforms 1.1 app using web services hosted by a .net
framework 2.0 backend?
it should be , but be sure the web service runs 2.0 , i guess you need
to have 2.0 installed and have proper script mappings.
moondaddy said:
Is it possible to run a winforms 1.1 app using web services hosted by a .net
framework 2.0 backend?

If it's just web services, I don't see why not - one of the points of
SOAP etc is heterogeneous systems compatibility.

-- Barry
Yes. In fact, you can run a Java front end and a 2.0 web service. SOAP is
agnostic. :-)

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
Hello moondaddy,

Interacting with SOAP has no restrinction in version and product in client
and server side, if only they could understand SOAL, and it calls "Heterogeneity"

m> Is it possible to run a winforms 1.1 app using web services hosted by
m> a .net framework 2.0 backend?
Michael Nemtsev :: blog: http://spaces.msn.com/laflour

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsch
Hi moondaddy,

Yes, you can surely run a windows form 1.1 app using webservice that is
hosted by .net 2.0.

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Definitely yes.
WS are all about interoperability.

However, if 2.0 uses some WSE 3.0 enhancements, specifically like WSTr,
those things will not be available in 1.1 that uses WSE 2.0.

Otherwise things should work perfectly fine.