1.1 Framework and IIS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neil
  • Start date Start date



I'm having some strange problems with 1.1 Framework and
IIS. When I installed this on my machine IIS didn't
register .aspx, .asmx etc etc as running through the
aspnet_isapi.dll, so I ran the aspnet_regiis.exe to fix
this but then a strange thing happens. If I now create a
new virtual directory pointing to an existing app which I
know for sure works it will take up to 1 hour to open the
web page, it just sits there forever. Once the page has
opened once it works fine.

I thought something must have gone wrong in the install
but several people I know have had this problem but no
one has a fix, any ideas?
[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.dotnet.framework and a
copy was sent to the cited author.]


I'm having some strange problems with 1.1 Framework and
IIS. When I installed this on my machine IIS didn't
register .aspx, .asmx etc etc as running through the
aspnet_isapi.dll, so I ran the aspnet_regiis.exe to fix
this but then a strange thing happens. If I now create a
new virtual directory pointing to an existing app which I
know for sure works it will take up to 1 hour to open the
web page, it just sits there forever. Once the page has
opened once it works fine.

I thought something must have gone wrong in the install
but several people I know have had this problem but no
one has a fix, any ideas?
I have heard of a similar problem while waiting for "Initializing
offline cache". For some users, it does come back after a while. For me,
in one new installation of .net. it never comes back and the IDE
eventually aborts.