1,000th Post! only 999,000 to go...

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May 18, 2004
Reaction score

Just to celebrate my 1,000th post (actually this is 1001) but

I was celebrating my 100th post 2 days ago, i have a lot of catching up to do!
I do! But i like to cheat... Ian, Mucks etc can you add a extra 0 to my post count please?

Do you have the power to do this?

that would make it unfair.

I earned my posts...

i doubt they can do it because its all automated...
Ah, so you take it as a competition, complaining when i threaten to cheat!
Just remember lads - quality is better than quantity :)

Hence, I've been here 2.5 years and our Christopher has been here five minutes and he have more posts than me... ;)

Me only messin' around :)
Ahhh But its Quality not .. Quantity that counts...

Well done Chris..:)

Yove posted lots of friendly helpfull stuff i hope i see you for a long time in the future too..

Good stuff Chris... Arnt youre fingers hurting with all that typing?
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Nobody is competing here on post counts, I do not recall any competition on that one.

Flops is right about time and number of posts. Its the quality and not quantity which matters.

The best way to compete is to compete with oneself, you improve everyday and you set the highest standard anyone can set. :)
I try not to post useless posts and i try to be as helpfull as i can at all times :)

i will try and review some stuff today :)
We, as Mods, could certainly have a "post count war" ... how about we start deducting a few points ... start by deducting 1 point and if you continue to post crap we then increase it by 10.

Or we could just turn off post count altogether.

You'll get a lot more respect at any forum with the quality of post, not by how many posts you have.

Mucks, wouldn't it sound better if your rank thing said: 'Insane & Grumpy OAP'?

What do you think?


PS, this is very useful post!

(Are you an OAP?)
KGB-911 said:
Mucks, wouldn't it sound better if your rank thing said: 'Insane & Grumpy OAP'?

What do you think?


PS, this is very useful post!

(Are you an OAP?)
I'm defiantly insane; I have the release papers ... grumpy, usually, OAP? Well I have four grandchildren # 5 & 6 are on the way; I'll let you be the judge.;)

Yup, im afraid poor ole mucks is past his sell by date, 6 grandchildren! :p (ya know im only playing)

Isnt there some kinda couting device that tells you your average word per post? In another forum i was in, along time ago, there was one, i dont know if it was letters or words though, it was a long time ago!!

Also, my rank as Cookie Monster is pure class, well done who ever put it there ;) :D .
Matt Jason H said:
Yes, you make, on average, 3.54 posts a day. Chris makes 9.83, KGB makes 9.53.
3.54 ... 89% quality :thumb:

9.83 ... 67% quality :cool:

9.53 ... needs watching closely :p

Mucks, Is that a nice thing to say?

Please wll you change my rank to something nice?

ah but you see thats where you are all wrong... :p

although my post count is high, they are ALL 99.764093 quality, not 67% :cool:

i think that from post counts and date of registering you can judge who has a life or not...not how quality posts are...for example i need to get out more:o - over a thousand posts in not many months and Mucks - nearly the same in over 2 years. Someone has a life :rolleyes:
The above post, was it useful, helpful: NO, there for it is not quality!
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