1.0.3705 and 1.1

  • Thread starter Thread starter Evan Kontos
  • Start date Start date
You only need the versions that apps you need to run were designed for, but there is no harm in having more than one version installed, so I would choose to leave it alone and retain the ability to run apps built against any version.
Hi Evan,

If you installed .Net Framework 1.1, it will not install 1.0 for you.

The directory C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705 is just a small
directory, which will not take you much disk space. And removing it may
result in un-expected behavior for your .Net.

So I suggest you remain this folder without doing anything to it.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, please feel free to post it in the group. I am standing by to be
of assistance.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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normally the latest .NET environment is enough.
unless one app you use specificall ask for a particular version of the
runtime. (which is possible, but not common) (you have to write a manifest
file for this)
Hi Evan,

Does my reply make sense to you? Do you still have concern on this issue?

Please feel free to feedback. Thanks

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Jeffrey: I have almost the same issue.... Basically, I had a large app
written under VS 2002 and the 1.0 SP2 framework. This application uses the
Oracle ODP for .NET v.9.x. I ended up reformatting my machine, and have a
license for VS 2003, so just installed the 1.1 framework and VS 2003 and
converted my application (would have had to sooner or later anyway). Now I
am noticing that in VS 2003, when looking at the properties for Oracle ODP
(Oracle.dataaccess.dll) that the runtime it requires is 1.0.3705, which of
course I don't have on my machine. Now, I can run this application fine
through the developer IDE; however, when I try to do an install routine (in
my case, via Wise for Windows Installer), it tells me I am missing things
for version 1.0.3705, which of course I don't have (only installed 1.1). If
I ignore that and do the build anyway and try to install, it of course gets
errors and won't do the installation.

I -REALLY REALLY REALLY- don't want to have to have all my users install
both the 1.0, 1.0 SP2, and the 1.1 frameworks! I would rather have then just
install the 1.1 framework and let it go at that, since that is what (I
thought) I am developing in. Plus, when this is running isn't this going to
slow things down (having to reference both of the different runtimes, CLRs,
etc) and maybe even cause processing issues?

Please advise. Thanks.
