Windows XP 0x800ccc69

Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
It's no great problem, but I keep getting this error message every 2 minutes and I would rather prefer not to. 0x800CCC69. Any offers of how to get rid of it?
Is the 0x800ccc69 in a specific application? You'll need to provide some more detail about the error ;)
Hi EFTguru....Welcome to the forum.....

Can you tell us what you are doiung with OPutlook when you get this error..? Are you sending or recieving messages...Is it just an error message you get and you are able to carry on..? Or is it a BSOD message you are getting...? The more info you can provide the better... What MS Office are you using..? 2003 or 2007 or what..? Info helps....:thumb:
Sending email error '0x800ccc69'

I have started to receive this error message in Windows Live Mail 2011 since setting up a mail rule to send a specific message in response to any messages received by an email address I no longer use.

I'm running Vista HP on a laptop & XP Home on a desktop.

Not sure what other info may be relevant, so feel free to ask - I'll do my best to answer.

Full error message reads:

"An unknown error has occurred.
Subject 'Re: [SPAM] ( (ZEN)) [Norton AntiSpam]ikrra pia'
Server Error: 550
Server Response: 550 Administrative prohibition
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC69
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No"