0 packets sent

Feb 17, 2009
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I have been trying to go online from my dorm for the past week, i bought an 802.11n/b/g compatible wireless adapter for my desktop (WinXP pro sp2). I manage to get 60% signal strength but i cannot manage to acquire an IP address even after an hour of trying to get connected, i check my status and i saw that there is packets received but 0 packets sent.

I have made modifications to increase my signal strength, and now i got 100% signal strength from one of the APs but i still can't go online, no IP, and still, 0 packets sent. I really don't understand why is there no packets sent? Please help.
Do you have a firewall ? -> These can prevent dhcp (ip allocation services) from working properly.
Have you entered the security key correctly ? -> Often if the key is wrong it will connect but not obtain an IP address.

I need more infomation really sorry.
thanks for your reply,

My antivirus is AVG 8.0 free (i kept it updated via offline updates) and i have windows firewall, i set my internet protocol to obtain IP add and DNS server automatically. I did not get any message asking for security key. It never really connects and even after i've received 10K ++ packets, my sent packets is still 0... I've searched around the net, and up to now, i'm the only one with this weird problem of 0 packets sent (when others have problem with 0 packets received)

my wireless adapter is Xlink Kai GW-USMini2N (it's made in Japan). I tried it on my friend's pc and it works although the signal strength there is only around 60%. I don't understand. Please help.
Is the AP that you are connecting to a secured or unsecured one? If it is a secured one you will need to enter a WEP key(or similar) before it will properly establish a connection and get an IP address etc...
Thanks for your reply,

WEP key? May i know where do i need to enter the WEP key?

It's a secured one i guess.. we need to register our usernames and passwords online to use the service (when i use my friend's pc, it will automatically direct me to the login website)
I've registered, but the problem is i can't get connected at all at the first place.

by the way, a few days ago i managed to get an IP add of (icon shows connected but i can't browse the internet) When i changed it back to automatically acquire IP, there's a prompt asking me to restart for changes to take place?
i also tried using my friend's automatically acquired IP, DNS server and all and the same prompt came out. Is this normal? I did the same thing on my lab's pc, and it never prompt me to restart. Please help.