?0?0 program not found-skip auto check message

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Can anyone tell me what ' ?0?0 program not found-skip auto check ' means cos
it appears after the windows xp splash screen / before the welcome
screen.Please help me to solve this thanks.
Post the contents of the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

You need to remove the offending entry from the BootExecute value, under
normal circumstances the value should only contain: autocheck autochk *

You may want to run a full up to date malware/virus scan on your machine.

hi john john,
I went to the session manager but couldn't find the bootexecute value where can
I find it.Sori my pc skills r lousy thanks if u can help me again.
It should be there, you probably looked at the wrong place. Try this:

Start a Command (cmd.exe) session, to do so click on Start | Run and
enter cmd.exe in the Run box. At the command prompt enter the following

reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager"

You can copy and paste to the command prompt if you want. The command
is one line there is a space after the second quotation mark (") and
before the redirector (>), the end of the line is:

....\Session Manager" >c:\test.txt

After you run the command look in the C:\ drive find and open the
test.txt file and post the contents here.

The problem that you are experiencing can be caused by virus or malware.
Run up to date virus and spyware scans on your computer to make sure
that you are free of any pests.
