Sony working with AMD on possible PlayStation 5 tech

Sony working with AMD on possible PlayStation 5 tech

Eagle-eyed readers over at Phoronix have noticed that one of Sony's programmers has been working on improvements to the AMD Ryzen LLVM compiler recently. This is strange because Sony doesn't currently have any Ryzen-based systems, leading to speculation that this work could be in relation to an upcoming new console - the PlayStation 5.

The programmer in question, Simon Pilgrim, has worked at Sony for nearly 10 years and his work currently focuses on compiler tooling for the PlayStation console.


Source: LinkedIn

In addition, the CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, John Kodera, has recently said that the PlayStation 4 is entering the final phase of its lifecycle.


Source: Twitter

Sony have historically released a new console roughly every six years. The PlayStation 4 was released in February 2013, so if Sony stays true to form we could expect the PlayStation 5 to become available sometime in 2019. However, industry insiders have said that they don't expect the PlayStation 5 to be available until 2020. Watch this space...
Becky Cunningham
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