Windows XP Xp2 Drivers And Ms Updates-question

Jul 12, 2005
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Hello once again,

I need to re-install XP2 and am wondering about two things:

1) Should I save all the MS up-dates I have received? Or when I connect to the internet will that be done automatically by MS? Or should I just go to MS afterwards and download them all? (especially because of the 2 pack)

2) I looked for a site that would tell me what drivers automatically come with this OP, but didn't find one (and can't find my manual!). The following ones do not list MS as the provider, so should I save them?

a)DISPLAY ADAPTERS: ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9000/9100 GP- Provider:ATI Technologies
c) MICE AND OTHER POInting devices: Alps Pointing Device Provider: Alps
d) MODEMS: Agrere Systems AC'97 Provider:Agere
e) NETWORK ADAPTERS-Broadcom 802.1 a blg WLAN Provider:Broadcom
Realtek R7L8139/8X Family Fast Ethernet -Realtek
f) SOUND,VIDO AND GAME-All say simply Standard System Devices-Location Unknown
G) TI Ultra-Texas Instruments

Merry Chrismas! Linda
a)DISPLAY ADAPTERS: ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9000/9100 GP- Provider:ATI Technologies
c) MICE AND OTHER POInting devices: Alps Pointing Device Provider: Alps
d) MODEMS: Agrere Systems AC'97 Provider:Agere
e) NETWORK ADAPTERS-Broadcom 802.1 a blg WLAN Provider:Broadcom
Realtek R7L8139/8X Family Fast Ethernet -Realtek
f) SOUND,VIDO AND GAME-All say simply Standard System Devices-Location Unknown
G) TI Ultra-Texas Instruments

You should have Driver discs for MOBO/SOUND Etc: tell us what discs you have?
How did you un-install SP2 ?

1. Go to Windows Update Site and choose the 'custom' button ... keep doing that until there are no more updates available

2. Your system should have come with a 'driver' CD of some shape or form.

The OS does indeed have some 'drivers' and will load them accordingly ... if not then you'll need to find the latest off the Internet ... easy enough.

Hi from Houston,
I have't uninstalled it yet as one of the programs I'm using for my doctoral thesis (from U of Liverpool) can not be saved (have to go to OUP to download it again) and so I can work on my thesis for a few more days. I would just go to Remove Programs , no? Yes, I have a (round) Disk called 'application and Driver Recovered DVD' am assuming that's it. I have a whole lot of other discs (Norton-which I won't be using again, Logitec, HP Deskjet, PDF Converter, APC Powerchute, and Yahoo 2 wire-other programs are on-line. So, uhm, each of these programs is or has a driver? (My doctorate is in linguistics BTW-in my next life it'll be in IT!).
Why do you think un-installing SP2 is going to "fix" anything?

What 'program' cannot be saved?

OH, and you should not need any drivers if all you were going to do was un-install SP2
This long sad story all began when I was in Liverpool and would get intermittent connectivity with the 'low or limited connectivity message' (same in hotel in Canada and the U.S.-when I could connect). I went to HP chat and they basically gave me advice that messed up my internet connection as far as displaying sites even worse. Then, by chance I was at the Univ. where I teach and they told me my wireless wasn't working (hadn't ever needed to use it) So Then I went to the 'geeks' at Best Buy here and he checked the broadcom card and it was working, but not connecting for some reason, they told me I needed to re-install XP.
Oh, BTW I did try downloading a patch that was supposed to fix the low-connectivity problem-which I think is being caused by the wireless problem.
Sorry, I should read completely before answering. The program that I have never been able to save when changing computers is called Wordsmith-it's a program which applied linguistics use to (in a nutshell) study language usage.
I went to the 'geeks' at Best Buy here and he checked the broadcom card and it was working, but not connecting for some reason, they told me I needed to re-install XP.
Start>control panel>add/remove programs>uninstal SP2 then reinstal it through Windows Update;)
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umm am i being stupid or missing something but if they said reinstall XP why are you just removing then re-applying an update ?

ah right, we get somewhere ... however, SP2 is NOT XP

My mistake on your 'wording' of XP2 ... XP is just plain XP. ;)

Yep, re-install XP

When your ready to re-install ... simply 'boot' to your DVD drive WITH the Recovery CD ... it should give you an option for a "clean install" that will wipe EVERYTHING off your system. Make sure your data is backed-up to a CD. :thumb:

Linda, I would strongly suggest you take it ALL to a 'shop' you trust and get them to do it for you. If you can find a work 'teckie' that perhaps can show you how, may accentuate your knowledge of your system.
Bawcom said:
Sorry, I should read completely before answering. The program that I have never been able to save when changing computers is called Wordsmith-it's a program which applied linguistics use to (in a nutshell) study language usage.
You CANNOT save programs ... you can save DATA ... the program must be re-installed on your new system.

Do you not have a CD for it?
You're not stupid! I'm not being concise. I am going to uninstall the entire OP and then reinstall it. So I was concerned about the drivers and the microsoft updates that I had done since the initial installation.
Thank you so much for your suggestion of taking it all to someone to have them do it. I was thinking about doing that but was feeling, especially after reading so much on this site, that it was something that I 'should' be able to do by myself. It seems everyone here does these things as second nature and therefore it should be something that anyone should be able to do. No, there's no CD for this program. It can only be bought on-line through OUP.
Bawcom said:
You're not stupid! I'm not being concise. I am going to uninstall the entire OP and then reinstall it. So I was concerned about the drivers and the microsoft updates that I had done since the initial installation.
Naw, I should read more slowly. :D

No need to un-install XP ... actually you can't.

Just 'boot' to your DVD drive WITH the Recovery CD ... it should give you an option for a "clean install" that will put you back to how it was when you bought it ... or it should. ;)

Then, go to Windows Update and get ALL the stuff HP missed. Use the 'custom' button on WU and you may find drivers as well. :thumb:
BTW, the reference to 'geek' was not meant to be pejorative. At this chain (Best Buy) they have a desk where the techies help you called 'The Geek Squad'-forgot you are not stateside.
Bawcom said:
Thank you so much for your suggestion of taking it all to someone to have them do it. I was thinking about doing that but was feeling, especially after reading so much on this site, that it was something that I 'should' be able to do by myself. It seems everyone here does these things as second nature and therefore it should be something that anyone should be able to do. No, there's no CD for this program. It can only be bought on-line through OUP.
Well, most of us are quite a 'dab hand' at doing 'it' ... go ahead and have a go, you will not 'kill' your system, if you mess it all up then take it to a shop. ;)

But make sure you have your data off the thing first.

Now, as for this on-line downloaded program ... can you give me a link?

Bloody hell, that ain't cheap, it's bloody extortionate ... :eek:

OK, well the first thing I would have done would have been to 'burn' a copy to a CD ... no need to then download anymore. I would then write my registration Key on the CD. :thumb:

Did you have to buy this program? I have seen better "packaging" on shareware. ;)

I take it you have a problem downloading it ? If so, ask someone to get a copy for you or try an internet cafe that have "burn" facilities.

Actually, I don't have to pay again. I just give them my registration number and they re-send it. But I've tried to save it before (I think) and it wouldn't work. You're right about the packaging-but those of us who use this program are a rather small group . There is only one other program like it-but like all programs they have their small differences depending on the focus you want. This one is more user friendly than Monoconc (the other) and the other has stuff I'll never use. It is expensive though-but not compared to a 300 page new book that I bought that my doctoral supervisor wrote that costs 105 pounds (although I got it at Amazon for 35!).

Sorry, for the delay-it's lunchtime here. But hope springs eternal and I will see what happens when I save it to my memory stick (along with all the other data-(not programs)!)Do take care and enjoy your Christmas-you've certainly been one of my best presents!