Windows XP xp pro nuisance

Aug 21, 2005
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hi everybody,
i want to get rid of users/ identities and everything related to them. i also want to see files opened in a folder displayed as icons not titles or filmstrips. anyone can help?

Okay you need to get windows 3.1

I never use any users so I had to check if they were still their.......they are
I have an Admin and a guest account.....remember XP was designed for networking I think????
My advise I don't know far as folders and views, look for the 'Tools' menu next to 'Help' in like windows explore and you will find Folder Oprtions..

No really for user deconstruction, if possible use your Help and support and check "User Accounts" in index.
If you are truly referring to Identities in Outlook Express and not User Accounts for logging into Windows ...

In Outlook Express,
File/Identities/Manage Identities

Highlight the Identity you want to remove and click: Remove

Repeat for each Additional Identity you want removed.

If you need to Remove the Main Identity, you will need to create a new Identity,
Switch over to the new Identity … and then Remove the Main Identity.

If it is actually Windows User Accounts you need to Remove … you need to be logged in under an Administrator account.
