Windows XP windows movie maker(trying to get it back)

Aug 28, 2005
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Hi I'm new here so not sure if this is right forum.Running Xp with only sp1.A while back went to a website,that deleted movie maker(which cannot be deleted normally).Can anyone tell me how i can reinstall it?Have all my original discs.But I must mention pc came with windows ME,and I up graded to Xp.If you tell me to reinstall Xp I would have trouble,my experience is limited.Thanks for any help.
SP1 dose not have Movie Maker on it. get the new version here

SP2 has Movie Maker on it. I think its better to download the version for IT techs and burn it to CD.

If ya have problems with uninstalling the correct way like deleting, Ccleaner will help you.
Click on Issues and run it.

Add remove pro is another good one.
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Thanks for fast reply.Iguess i did'nt state my problem clear enough.Movie maker came installed on my pc.I deleted not want to install sp2. Is there any way to install movie maker? Thanks again
I think this is it at C/net. I surfed all over Mirosoft downloads couldnt find.
I know Microsoft had bugfixed and updated to Movie Maker 2 for SP1 users.

You might check to see if ya have a restore point in: accessories - system tools - system restore
Things that are deleted are really still there and can be restored if ya have a good restore point before it happened, but sometimes microsoft restore is a joke and works half the time.

If something was deleted instead of unistalled and ya having problems reinstalling try CCleaner or Add remove pro to fix the registry.
Sorry techguns I used wrong term. It was unistalled.Don't need movie maker 2.Just theversion that came with pc.A little more info that might help. The website that I went to to unistall it,said if i want to reinstall I could buy their program,but i forgot who they are.Thanks
Thats a hard one.
I dont see anything in add remove - add remove windows components for Movie Maker.
I know what that is like had it happend to me also but differently, and I couldnt reinstall.
If ya try to reinstall Windows over the old Windows system settings it wont work.
Someone might know how to install from the disk but I couldnt. The windows disk dosent have that component to install also.

Ya might have tryed something like this

I dont want to tell ya to format the drive cause that is a little more work but that might be the only way to get the original Movie Maker back. If thats what ya what to do backup everything you need before.
Reinstalling Windows is not hard to do but it might take awhile to learn, but you lose the way ya had it before like the desktop, my favorites, word docs that you save on the drive. find out what chipset drivers you have and read about chipsets, Windows wont install it.

Movie Maker 2 is almost the same thing. I think the link at C/net is the one ya can install without SP2.

If ya decide to update to SP2 and have another firewall installed, turn off the XP firewall in control panel. That is where all the conflicts happen that you read about, and it affects about half the programs installed.
If ya dont have another firewall installed no conflicts.

Their is a lot of good video editing freeware out their that the Hollywood Pros use and wont mess up your OS. No spyware, hackers ect.

Free sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too, but not always.
Radlight is full of spyware and trojans.

If someone know how to install Movie Maker 1 from the XP disk please post.
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Wait awhile someone might know and post.
If knowone can tell ya how to get it back and you really want it.
Ya might have to get brave and format. reinstall Windows.

When booting watch for chipset type. Intell, SIS, VIA
download the updated chipset drivers. google for VIA chipset... ect.
You will need the chipset drivers even if ya have a factory install disk like Compaq,
Dell, ect

If you have XP upgrade its better to full install XP on the disk, set the bios to boot from CD, and then XP ask you to verifiy the upgrade put the ME disk in, and it will continue the install. You will like the XP performace better with less problems.

A problem with factory install disk.
If you had mirosoft office that came from a factory ME install you might lose it, because windows XP upgrade dosent come with MS office if you format and do a full install.
If ya have MS office install different disk dont worry.

Not the best way! Install ME and then upgrade over it to XP because you will carry the ME conflict problems over to XP. Alot of people dont know that you can do a full install of the XP upgrade.

Dont worry XP has most of the generic drivers to get it going. Its not like 98.

Find prepare all your sound, video, modem, netcard, software and drivers if XP needs.

This will help you identifiy the cards for update drivers or if ya lost the driver disk. It works much better than device manager.

Get all the update drivers from the manfacture support. google the brand.
Its better to try to download all the update drivers that you can. XP might not have it.

SP1 can be dowloaded and burned. mirosoft downloads.

Burn all the drivers to CD two copies put in safe software box.

Dont format yet wait someone might have a solution.
But getting this stuff isnt a waste of time you might use it next week or two years from now. Also you will be better prepared for if ya need help. I wouldnt waste my time writing all this but I think your headed towards bravery.

I get my machine formated and going in about 2 hours.
Click Start , click Run , and then type the following command:

NOTE : There are no spaces at all in the preceding command line.

Click OK to open the INF folder.
Locate the file moviemk.inf
Right-click the file, and then click Install.

This will reinstall the files that Search needs to proceed normally.

You will be asked to place your windows XP cd rom in the drive.

This will work.
Thanks muckshifter
Im taking notes cause Im trying to learn more..
The best thing to do I wait untill someone that knows can help.
Ya dont have to format. But it helps to be prepared.
I knew that muckshifter might have it.

I saw on some forums both Movie Maker 1 and Movie Maker 2 installed.
Mabe its better to have both. I think that I might try it and reinstall MM1 now.
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Hey TG ... I learn something new every day, and I would not "install both" ... just stick with the one that works for you. ;)
If you 'need' something more upmarket, then look at Pinnicle's stuff, does what it says on the tin. At a price.
That was great advice Muckshifter.But I was asked to insert sp1 cd.which I don't have . I downloaded Sp1,from windows update.Am I following directions?
You have a very OLD XP CD :confused:

You mean you haven't even got SP1 nevermind SP2 ... now I am perplexed?
Sorry muckshifter.But I do confuse people.I have windowsXp upgrade,Xp installation cd.And from what i can remember neither one had sp1 on it.When sp1 came out I installed from windows upgrade site.Hope this makes sense.
Ok, fine, but clear something up for me ... why do you not want SP2 & what is the matter with MS MovieMaker 2 :confused:

Muckshifter,sp2 increased my boot time to 2 1/5 mins. which I find unacceptable.And i thought I could'nt get MM2 without having SP2.Thanks for your patience.
Ok, I need to go back even further ... I agree that is a ridiculous time ... so what are you running ... ah, now then wait ... you "upgraded".

Start from the beginning ... and tell me your system specs and whatnot are.

But I'll say one thing ... never "upgrade" an OS, always "clean install" and before you say anything, yes you can clean install with the upgrade CD, you just need to pop in your old OS CD when asked.

Muckshifter hope this it. Muck Had W's Me.Had a computer tech install the Xp so I have to assume all was done correctly.XP was sent free from dell.There were no problems until I decided I did'nt need Movie MakerAnd had it uninstalled.Still no problem would just like to have it back.


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Ok at least I know what we're dealing with ... but I think you may have to 'clean install' XP to get back to some sort of normality.

However, there is one way ... borrow, now this should work, a full XP CD with SP1 and follow my privious post to re-install MM

It's the best I can sugest at the moment ... and, why the slow start-up with SP2, you should really install SP2

Have a look here as to why you may have a problem ...

Thanks muckshifter for all the time and effort .I really appreciate it.I will try sp2 again.Thankyou also techguns.
I think the MM2 is no different than MM1 execpt for mabe improvments.

You cant allways eat your cake when it comes to these dumb boxes of rocks.

Videowave 2 now old software is much better than these, and ya can find it at very low prices.
Pinnacle l like two.

This getting back MM1 looks like its unsolved.
If anyone can help get it back. Muckshifter

Mabe a thread on what video editing software might help you choose something different.
I think ya will be happy with other software that works better.