What to do with a Hacker ??????????


Sep 30, 2005
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Someon has tried 6934 in the last week to gain access to my pc . With over 60 possible Tojans . McAfee has blocked all these attempts . I have reported the trojan attempts to Hacker Watch .

Thing is what else can I do ?????????

I was going to try and set up a router that flops sold me but am not sure that I can do this and keep my pc safe .

Can I report this person tp any authorities and would this be of any use in stopping them ?????

Personaly I'd cheerfully . Shoot , hang , flog , etc etc them ,
but my favourite
and most apt in my opinion
would be
to HACK of their digits one by one then their arms and legs .

Seriously though if these people are clever enough to learn and set up as hackers then they are clever enough to realise the misery they bring to ordinary folk and deserve no mercy .

So what can I do , legaly that is .

(insert very evil smiley ):D:cool:


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It might be worth e-mailing the address of the IP range owner, they may be able to stop it:


It is probably an automated attack so I wouldn't worry too much about it - I get things like this quite often, as do others I guess. It's more of a speculative probe for each and every vulnerability that may exist - but very unlikely to pay off as you have an AV and Firewall :)
Just ignore it ... turn off the report and go about normal business.

These "reports" are there to make MaCrapie look good ... most, if not all Firewall progs have them ... you should see my log. :D

Barbarian , who me , no its just a nickname .

Thanks for the info and help Ian . Reported them and now its up to their provider .

As to your suggestion Mucks about ignoring it thats not an option for me . Some scumbag wants to make my life difficult I'm willing to spend a little time making their life difficult .

When I first started to use McAfee several years ago every time I looked at my log it was filled with attempts to instal trojans . Now I look at my log and it can be several days before I see an attempt to install a trojan . This might be because its now easier to report to Hacker Watch . Maybe more people are insisting that suppliers do more to stop hackers . Maybe ISP's are doing more to stop hackers . Who knows .

What I do know is that hackers did not just get bored and go of to play at something else .

The general public stood up and said enough is enough and started to do something about the problem .

Now wheres my machette and oilstone . :D