Windows Vista Vista, CCleaner and Cookies


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Those of you who are using Vista and CCleaner, could you tell me please, whether CCleaner actually removes your cookies? It doesn't on mine. Whilst it is no biggie, I just became curious about it.

Having sorted through the cookies I wanted to keep I kept thinking that the remainder were being zapped... just as they are with XP and CC, but no. Also, when I try to access the cookie folder, I'm told that "Access is denied" ...... and you know how it is when you're told you can't do something :rolleyes:

So does anyone else get the same result, or is there a way to do it please? (Oh, and I realise that I could go via Internet Options, etc., but, I really was hoping to be able to keep certain cookies, for regularly visited sites.... jeepers, I hope that doesn't sound too sad :D )

Thank you for reading :wave:
Hi Taffy,

I also use CCleaner with Vista and dont seem to have any problems with cookies....i think. I assume this cos when i log into sites i have to go thru the username and password rigmaroll....maybe i have missed something but it seems to do its thing for me.
As for your
Thank you for reading

How could anyone pass up the little cutie in the hammock.
:wave: Zzzzz
Aww shucks Captain Zed, you say the nicest things :D

I thought CCleaner was clearing them too, until I checked in the Options area and found them all still sitting there. It does clear one cookie though - one of those I asked it to keep! :lol: So can't work out why it does that.
Hmmm, works as advertised here ...

uninstall, reinstall, make sure you using latest version



  • cookies.webp
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I have no problems TC. The "Cookies to Delete" are all removed when I run the cleaner (you do run the cleaner, don't you, after you've decided which cookies you want? ;) )

You could always remove CCleaner via Control Panel and then download the most up to date version. :thumb:

Thank you for all your answers guys, I appreciate them.

Now, with face turning pink, I have to own up to "discovering" the answer when I went through CCs settings, again.......... guess what? I completely forgot that I'd downloaded Opera a while ago and have used it a few times. I forgot to check the little box in CC for clearing Opera's cookies ... duh! So those were the ones I could see. I know... Dozy-cat strikes again

Thank you again :D